Tag Archives: Arch Angel Michael

A cow laying on her back

All in a day’s work.

Link to Black Swan FarmsI got a call last Tuesday from a lady near Red Deer Alberta. She raises Australian Swans. They  are a beautiful large black bird. She sells the eggs and the Momma bird get upset when the egg has left the nest. What the lady needed was a replacement egg to calm the Momma. She wanted me to make six multicoloured eggs out of clay to try to fool the Momma and keep her happy. They have to be waterproof, as Momma likes to continually fill her beak with water and pour it over the eggs. I convinced the caller she could make her own eggs. If they were fired and then painted with acrylic paint they would …..perhaps…. fool the Momma. She is going to try, but I know she has as good as chance as any to fool the poor Mamma.

I went home for lunch to find an email from a teacher in New Zealand looking for some workshop help. We emailed back and forth and her students made some great pieces.  The theme was Charlotte’s Web. I read the book as a child, but I don’t remember the dragons, kittens, or large faces but there might have been a cow in the barn.

Continue reading All in a day’s work.