All posts by Cindy Clarke

A large sign welcoming you to Coutts AB

Life in a small town.


We moved from Edmonton AB, a city of about 1,000,000 people, to Coutts, AB, a village of about 300 people.

Happy Face on the water tower

We have been here for almost a year and life here is not quite the same as life in Edmonton. For one, we are mostly retired and not getting up every morning and hurrying out the door to be The Clay Teacher. The reason we picked Coutts was the cost of living.  Now that we are settled, we are spending about $1,300 per month less to live in Coutts than in the city.  We made a few online changes, new server, got rid of a few websites we weren’t using and a few other things. That brought the total up to about $1,500 less per month than we were spending a year ago. The cost of living was the motivator to get out of the city, but could not have landed better. It is beautiful here. A wonderful little town with wide streets and grand old trees.  Continue reading Life in a small town.

A view of the Sweetgrass Hills.

I don’t have to.

For the first time in decades, I don’t have to do anything. I have worked for years as a potter and The Clay Teacher. I have had orders to fill, dead lines to meet, classes to teach and work that just had to be done. We moved to Coutts and we had the house to reno and the yard to landscape. Now it is all done. Well the house will never be “done”, but it is done for now. We got the studio up and running and I had orders to fill.They are done.

Group photo of the three kids , Jim and me.


Continue reading I don’t have to.